hould you want to receive clarity towards what can be done in relation to your hair thinning or hair loss concerns, a consultation is highly advisable.
At the consultation, you can avail of the Trichologist’s honest and knowledgeable experience.
There could be many things causing your hair loss or scalp condition, hence a thorough examination will be done. This means a Trichologist will go through the history of your hair loss and a number of fact-finding questions will be asked. Besides that, the Trichologist will also take a holistic viewpoint, taking in consideration various aspects of lifestyle and diet, care and management of the hair, including sensitivities and allergies suffered.
It is only after this in-depth questioning and professional examination of the hair and scalp, that a Trichologist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prognosis. However, it may not always be possible receive an immediate diagnosis. It is frequent for scalp disorders or some of the hair loss problems to require blood tests or scalp biopsy. In certain cases, a microscopic analysis of the hair is essential to establish why hair loss and breakage occurs.